Black Sparrowhawk nesting in giant Eucalypt near Woodbush Forest
This morning, 19 September, I took a drive to the tallest planted tree in the world. David Letsoalo a local bird guide had given me directions to a Black Sparrowhawk nest located just behind the tallest tree. I found the nest without any difficulty but there was no sign of the birds. According to Roberts Bird Guide 2, their peak nesting season is July-September. This Black Sparrowhawk nest is so high that there is no chance to get a view into the nest, the Sparrowhawks could well be in residence. According to David, Crowned Eagles are also nesting in this copse of giant Eucalypts. They were calling but I could not find their nest.
Other birds I heard calling: Narina Trogon, Barratt’s Warbler, Terrestrial Brownbul, African Emerald Cuckoo, Sombre Greenbul.
These trees were planted in 1906 by Mr Eastwood. My blog article gives some background as to why these Eucalyptus trees were planted so many years ago. Although Eucalypts provide us with much needed poles and saw wood they are highly invasive and threaten our water resources. Here is a very interesting Link.