Woodbush Forest Birding

The Woodbush Forest is arguably the prime forest birding site in Limpopo Province. It is a short drive from Magoebaskloof Birders Cottage. The best way of accessing the forest for birding is to drive down the Forest Drive. High clearance vehicles are recommended to complete the journey down to the R71. This route passes the Debegeini Falls. Sedan vehicles can access the top portion of the Forest Drive if conditions are dry.

The suggested routine for birding on Forest Drive is to frequently park your car off the road(forestry trucks use this road) Walk up and down the road listening for birds. The more you stop the more likely you are to meet up with a bird party. I think that the Olive Woodpecker is a good call to follow in search of a bird party. They are frequently found in bird parties. It is always difficult to spot forest birds in the canopy. I recommend that you learn the calls of the forest birds listed below. Woodbush Forest is a very popular birding site so please avoid using recorded bird calls to attract birds to you.

Parking spots for vehicle on Forest Drive
Parking on Forest Drive

A short list of birds found in the Woodbush Forest. Black-fronted Bushshrike, Olive Bushshrike, Narina Trogon, Barratts Warbler, Cape Parrot, Blue-mantled Crested Flycatcher, Orange Ground Thrush, White-starred Robin, Brown Scrub Robin, Green Twinspot.

Wood bush Birding route. Forest Drive into Woodbush Forest

The birdlist below is taken from the SABAP2 Project Pentad 2345_3000

  Ref Common group Common species Genus Species FP (RR%)
1 1172 White-eye Cape Zosterops virens 92.1
2 545 Bulbul Dark-capped Pycnonotus tricolor 81
3 551 Greenbul Sombre Andropadus importunus 79.4
4 622 Apalis Bar-throated Apalis thoracica 76.2
5 4133 Turaco Knysna Tauraco corythaix 74.6
6 672 Batis Cape Batis capensis 69.8
7 688 Wagtail Mountain Motacilla clara 65.1
8 547 Greenbul Yellow-streaked Phyllastrephus flavostriatus 63.5
9 578 Robin-chat Chorister Cossypha dichroa 63.5
10 627 Camaroptera Green-backed Camaroptera brachyura 61.9
11 518 Drongo Square-tailed Dicrurus ludwigii 61.9
12 717 Bush-shrike Olive Telophorus olivaceus 60.3
13 712 Puffback Black-backed Dryoscopus cubla 58.7
14 709 Boubou Southern Laniarius ferrugineus 50.8
15 680 Crested-flycatcher Blue-mantled Trochocercus cyanomelas 49.2
16 649 Prinia Tawny-flanked Prinia subflava 49.2
17 760 Sunbird Southern Double-collared Cinnyris chalybeus 49.2
18 452 Woodpecker Olive Dendropicos griseocephalus 49.2
19 859 Canary Yellow-fronted Crithagra mozambicus 42.9
20 516 Cuckoo-shrike Grey Coracina caesia 42.9
21 511 Saw-wing Black (Southern race) Psalidoprocne holomelaena 41.3
22 84 Ibis Hadeda Bostrychia hagedash 39.7
23 833 Firefinch African Lagonosticta rubricata 34.9
24 655 Flycatcher African Dusky Muscicapa adusta 34.9
25 312 Olive-pigeon African Columba arquatrix 34.9
26 772 Sunbird Amethyst Chalcomitra amethystina 34.9
27 758 Sunbird Greater Double-collared Cinnyris afer 33.3
28 337 Turaco Purple-crested Gallirex porphyreolophus 33.3
29 720 Bush-shrike Black-fronted Telophorus nigrifrons 31.7
30 350 Cuckoo African Emerald Chrysococcyx cupreus 31.7
31 314 Dove Red-eyed Streptopelia semitorquata 31.7
32 503 Swallow Lesser Striped Hirundo abyssinica 31.7
33 610 Warbler Barratt’s Bradypterus barratti 31.7
34 671 Woodland-warbler Yellow-throated Phylloscopus ruficapilla 31.7
35 546 Brownbul Terrestrial Phyllastrephus terrestris 30.2
36 154 Buzzard Steppe Buteo vulpinus 30.2
37 138 Eagle Long-crested Lophaetus occipitalis 30.2
38 589 Robin White-starred Pogonocichla stellata 30.2
39 319 Dove Tambourine Turtur tympanistria 28.6
40 581 Robin-chat Cape Cossypha caffra 27
41 393 Trogon Narina Apaloderma narina 27
42 387 Palm-swift African Cypsiurus parvus 25.4
43 771 Sunbird Collared Hedydipna collaris 25.4
44 322 Dove Lemon Aplopelia larvata 23.8
45 343 Cuckoo Red-chested Cuculus solitarius 22.2
46 160 Goshawk African Accipiter tachiro 22.2
47 1105 Thrush Olive Turdus olivaceus 22.2
48 825 Waxbill Swee Coccopygia melanotis 22.2
49 858 Canary Forest Crithagra scotops 20.6
50 810 Bishop Yellow Euplectes capensis 19
51 644 Cisticola Red-faced Cisticola erythrops 19
52 824 Mannikin Red-backed Spermestes nigriceps 19
53 843 Waxbill Common Estrilda astrild 19
54 404 Bee-eater European Merops apiaster 17.5
55 402 Kingfisher Brown-hooded Halcyon albiventris 17.5
56 552 Thrush Kurrichane Turdus libonyanus 15.9
57 556 Ground-thrush Orange Zoothera gurneyi 14.3
58 827 Twinspot Green Mandingoa nitidula 14.3
59 155 Buzzard Forest Buteo trizonatus 12.7
60 152 Buzzard Jackal Buteo rufofuscus 12.7
61 143 Eagle African Crowned Stephanoaetus coronatus 12.7
62 89 Goose Egyptian Alopochen aegyptiacus 12.7
63 171 Harrier-Hawk African Polyboroides typus 12.7
64 390 Mousebird Speckled Colius striatus 12.7
65 4132 Parrot Cape Parrot Poicephalus robustus 12.7
66 867 Seedeater Streaky-headed Crithagra gularis 12.7
67 791 Weaver Spectacled Ploceus ocularis 12.7
68 344 Cuckoo Black Cuculus clamosus 11.1
69 441 Honeyguide Scaly-throated Indicator variegatus 11.1
70 682 Paradise-flycatcher African Terpsiphone viridis 11.1
71 383 Swift White-rumped Apus caffer 11.1
72 685 Wagtail African Pied Motacilla aguimp 11.1
73 362 Wood-owl African Strix woodfordii 11.1
74 447 Woodpecker Golden-tailed Campethera abingoni 11.1
75 625 Apalis Yellow-breasted Apalis flavida 9.5
76 522 Crow Pied Corvus albus 9.5
77 664 Flycatcher Southern Black Melaenornis pammelaina 9.5
78 63 Heron Green-backed Butorides striata 9.5
79 823 Mannikin Bronze Spermestes cucullatus 9.5
80 183 Spurfowl Natal Pternistis natalensis 9.5
81 745 Starling Red-winged Onychognathus morio 9.5
82 496 Swallow Wire-tailed Hirundo smithii 9.5
83 686 Wagtail Cape Motacilla capensis 9.5
84 50 Cormorant Reed Phalacrocorax africanus 7.9
85 47 Cormorant White-breasted Phalacrocorax carbo 7.9
86 656 Flycatcher Ashy Muscicapa caerulescens 7.9
87 584 Scrub-robin Brown Cercotrichas signata 7.9
88 77 Stork Woolly-necked Ciconia episcopus 7.9
89 493 Swallow Barn Hirundo rustica 7.9
90 502 Swallow Greater Striped Hirundo cucullata 7.9
91 495 Swallow White-throated Hirundo albigularis 7.9
92 385 Swift Little Apus affinis 7.9
93 804 Weaver Thick-billed Amblyospiza albifrons 7.9
94 846 Whydah Pin-tailed Vidua macroura 7.9
95 517 Drongo Fork-tailed Dicrurus adsimilis 6.3
96 131 Hawk Bat Macheiramphus alcinus 6.3
97 442 Honeyguide Lesser Indicator minor 6.3
98 849 Indigobird Dusky Vidua funerea 6.3
99 395 Kingfisher Giant Megaceryle maximus 6.3
100 521 Oriole Black-headed Oriolus larvatus 6.3
101 398 Pygmy-Kingfisher African Ispidina picta 6.3
102 723 Bush-shrike Grey-headed Malaconotus blanchoti 4.8
103 352 Cuckoo Diderick Chrysococcyx caprius 4.8
104 95 Duck African Black Anas sparsa 4.8
105 149 Fish-eagle African Haliaeetus vocifer 4.8
106 654 Flycatcher Spotted Muscicapa striata 4.8
107 127 Hawk African Cuckoo Aviceda cuculoides 4.8
108 396 Kingfisher Half-collared Alcedo semitorquata 4.8
109 394 Kingfisher Pied Ceryle rudis 4.8
110 580 Robin-chat White-browed Cossypha heuglini 4.8
111 736 Starling Violet-backed Cinnyricinclus leucogaster 4.8
112 576 Stonechat African Saxicola torquatus 4.8
113 763 Sunbird White-bellied Cinnyris talatala 4.8
114 437 Tinkerbird Yellow-fronted Pogoniulus chrysoconus 4.8
115 410 Bee-eater Little Merops pusillus 3.2
116 872 Bunting Cinnamon-breasted Emberiza tahapisi 3.2
117 874 Bunting Golden-breasted Emberiza flaviventris 3.2
118 719 Bush-shrike Orange-breasted Telophorus sulfureopectus 3.2
119 144 Buzzard Lizard Kaupifalco monogrammicus 3.2
120 628 Camaroptera Grey-backed Camaroptera brevicaudata 3.2
121 860 Canary Black-throated Crithagra atrogularis 3.2
122 513 Cuckoo-shrike Black Campephaga flava 3.2
123 317 Dove Laughing Streptopelia senegalensis 3.2
124 61 Egret Cattle Bubulcus ibis 3.2
125 72 Hamerkop Hamerkop Scopus umbretta 3.2
126 55 Heron Black-headed Ardea melanocephala 3.2
127 115 Hobby Eurasian Falco subbuteo 3.2
128 507 House-martin Common Delichon urbicum 3.2
129 130 Kite Black-shouldered Elanus caeruleus 3.2
130 734 Myna Common Acridotheres tristis 3.2
131 609 Rush-warbler Little Bradypterus baboecala 3.2
132 4142 Sparrow Southern Grey-headed Passer diffusus 3.2
133 690 Wagtail Grey Motacilla cinerea 3.2
134 799 Weaver Cape Ploceus capensis 3.2
135 801 Weaver Golden Ploceus xanthops 3.2
136 439 Barbet Crested Trachyphonus vaillantii 1.6
137 731 Brubru Brubru Nilaus afer 1.6
138 857 Canary Cape Serinus canicollis 1.6
139 648 Cisticola Lazy Cisticola aberrans 1.6
140 642 Cisticola Rattling Cisticola chiniana 1.6
141 4131 Coucal Burchell’s Centropus burchellii 1.6
142 318 Dove Namaqua Oena capensis 1.6
143 133 Eagle Verreaux’s Aquila verreauxii 1.6
144 213 Finfoot African Podica senegalensis 1.6
145 835 Firefinch Jameson’s Lagonosticta rhodopareia 1.6
146 707 Fiscal Common (Southern) Lanius collaris 1.6
147 206 Flufftail Buff-spotted Sarothrura elegans 1.6
148 174 Francolin Crested Dendroperdix sephaena 1.6
149 618 Grassbird Cape Sphenoeacus afer 1.6
150 323 Green-pigeon African Treron calvus 1.6
151 550 Greenbul Yellow-bellied Chlorocichla flaviventris 1.6
152 727 Helmet-shrike White-crested Prionops plumatus 1.6
153 57 Heron Purple Ardea purpurea 1.6
154 418 Hoopoe African Upupa africana 1.6
155 851 Indigobird Village Vidua chalybeata 1.6
156 703 Longclaw Cape Macronyx capensis 1.6
157 506 Martin Rock Hirundo fuligula 1.6
158 803 Masked-weaver Southern Ploceus velatus 1.6
159 373 Nightjar Fiery-necked Caprimulgus pectoralis 1.6
160 650 Prinia Black-chested Prinia flavicans 1.6
161 579 Robin-chat Red-capped Cossypha natalensis 1.6
162 258 Sandpiper Common Actitis hypoleucos 1.6
163 156 Sparrowhawk Rufous-chested Accipiter rufiventris 1.6
164 604 Swamp-warbler Lesser Acrocephalus gracilirostris 1.6
165 380 Swift African Black Apus barbatus 1.6
166 386 Swift Alpine Tachymarptis melba 1.6
167 715 Tchagra Black-crowned Tchagra senegalus 1.6
168 714 Tchagra Brown-crowned Tchagra australis 1.6
169 316 Turtle-dove Cape Streptopelia capicola 1.6
170 599 Warbler Willow Phylloscopus trochilus 1.6
171 839 Waxbill Blue Uraeginthus angolensis 1.6
172 813 Widowbird Red-collared Euplectes ardens 1.6
173 321 Wood-dove Emerald-spotted Turtur chalcospilos 1.6
174 411 Bee-eater Swallow-tailed Merops hirundineus 0
175 409 Bee-eater White-fronted Merops bullockoides 0
176 196 Buttonquail Kurrichane Turnix sylvaticus 0
177 639 Cisticola Wailing Cisticola lais 0
178 621 Crombec Long-billed Sylvietta rufescens 0
179 59 Egret Little Egretta garzetta 0
180 837 Firefinch Red-billed Lagonosticta senegala 0
181 162 Goshawk Gabar Melierax gabar 0
182 141 Hawk-eagle African Aquila spilogaster 0
183 443 Honeybird Brown-backed Prodotiscus regulus 0
184 850 Indigobird Purple Vidua purpurascens 0
185 397 Kingfisher Malachite Alcedo cristata 0
186 458 Lark Rufous-naped Mirafra africana 0
187 637 Neddicky Neddicky Cisticola fulvicapilla 0
188 172 Osprey Osprey Pandion haliaetus 0
189 359 Owl Barn Tyto alba 0
190 416 Roller Broad-billed Eurystomus glaucurus 0
191 158 Sparrowhawk Little Accipiter minullus 0
192 185 Spurfowl Swainson’s Pternistis swainsonii 0
193 774 Sunbird Scarlet-chested Chalcomitra senegalensis 0
194 498 Swallow Pearl-breasted Hirundo dimidiata 0