The Rain Shadow Birding Route, as its name implies, is very dry compared to the Woodbush Forest and Magoebaskloof Birders Cottage only about 15km to the north east. I have assigned the beginning of the route as the point where the Annies Fortune road drops down in the dry Ga-Molepo region. The end of the route is where it joins the R71. The route runs through mostly commercial cattle farming area. The route passes an interesting Prickly Pear plantation, reinforcing the dryness of the area. The vegetation is acacia thornveld. In winter, the flowering aloes provide lots of colour.
The route covers part of the SABAP2 pentad 2355_2950 wherein 212 bird species have been recorded over the years.
My suggestion for birding is that you drive slowly until you hear a bird calling. Stop, park on the side of the road and walk up and down the road. Please do not go through fences to follow a bird! You might be approached by a farmer checking up on a strange car. This is a public, road so birders are well within their rights to use the road.

This birdlist below is taken from the SABAP2 website for pentad 2355_2950
Ref | Common group | Common species | Genus | Species | |
1 | 622 | Apalis | Bar-throated | Apalis | thoracica |
2 | 625 | Apalis | Yellow-breasted | Apalis | flavida |
3 | 533 | Babbler | Arrow-marked | Turdoides | jardineii |
4 | 432 | Barbet | Acacia Pied | Tricholaema | leucomelas |
5 | 431 | Barbet | Black-collared | Lybius | torquatus |
6 | 439 | Barbet | Crested | Trachyphonus | vaillantii |
7 | 672 | Batis | Cape | Batis | capensis |
8 | 673 | Batis | Chinspot | Batis | molitor |
9 | 404 | Bee-eater | European | Merops | apiaster |
10 | 410 | Bee-eater | Little | Merops | pusillus |
11 | 808 | Bishop | Southern Red | Euplectes | orix |
12 | 810 | Bishop | Yellow | Euplectes | capensis |
13 | 709 | Boubou | Southern | Laniarius | ferrugineus |
14 | 546 | Brownbul | Terrestrial | Phyllastrephus | terrestris |
15 | 731 | Brubru | Brubru | Nilaus | afer |
16 | 545 | Bulbul | Dark-capped | Pycnonotus | tricolor |
17 | 872 | Bunting | Cinnamon-breasted | Emberiza | tahapisi |
18 | 874 | Bunting | Golden-breasted | Emberiza | flaviventris |
19 | 720 | Bush-shrike | Black-fronted | Telophorus | nigrifrons |
20 | 721 | Bush-shrike | Gorgeous | Telophorus | quadricolor |
21 | 723 | Bush-shrike | Grey-headed | Malaconotus | blanchoti |
22 | 717 | Bush-shrike | Olive | Telophorus | olivaceus |
23 | 719 | Bush-shrike | Orange-breasted | Telophorus | sulfureopectus |
24 | 155 | Buzzard | Forest | Buteo | trizonatus |
25 | 152 | Buzzard | Jackal | Buteo | rufofuscus |
26 | 144 | Buzzard | Lizard | Kaupifalco | monogrammicus |
27 | 154 | Buzzard | Steppe | Buteo | vulpinus |
28 | 627 | Camaroptera | Green-backed | Camaroptera | brachyura |
29 | 628 | Camaroptera | Grey-backed | Camaroptera | brevicaudata |
30 | 863 | Canary | Brimstone | Crithagra | sulphuratus |
31 | 857 | Canary | Cape | Serinus | canicollis |
32 | 866 | Canary | Yellow | Crithagra | flaviventris |
33 | 859 | Canary | Yellow-fronted | Crithagra | mozambicus |
34 | 570 | Chat | Familiar | Cercomela | familiaris |
35 | 647 | Cisticola | Croaking | Cisticola | natalensis |
36 | 648 | Cisticola | Lazy | Cisticola | aberrans |
37 | 646 | Cisticola | Levaillant’s | Cisticola | tinniens |
38 | 642 | Cisticola | Rattling | Cisticola | chiniana |
39 | 644 | Cisticola | Red-faced | Cisticola | erythrops |
40 | 639 | Cisticola | Wailing | Cisticola | lais |
41 | 629 | Cisticola | Zitting | Cisticola | juncidis |
42 | 212 | Coot | Red-knobbed | Fulica | cristata |
43 | 50 | Cormorant | Reed | Phalacrocorax | africanus |
44 | 4131 | Coucal | Burchell’s | Centropus | burchellii |
45 | 203 | Crake | Black | Amaurornis | flavirostris |
46 | 621 | Crombec | Long-billed | Sylvietta | rufescens |
47 | 522 | Crow | Pied | Corvus | albus |
48 | 341 | Cuckoo | African | Cuculus | gularis |
49 | 344 | Cuckoo | Black | Cuculus | clamosus |
50 | 352 | Cuckoo | Diderick | Chrysococcyx | caprius |
51 | 348 | Cuckoo | Jacobin | Clamator | jacobinus |
52 | 351 | Cuckoo | Klaas’s | Chrysococcyx | klaas |
53 | 347 | Cuckoo | Levaillant’s | Clamator | levaillantii |
54 | 343 | Cuckoo | Red-chested | Cuculus | solitarius |
55 | 513 | Cuckoo-shrike | Black | Campephaga | flava |
56 | 317 | Dove | Laughing | Streptopelia | senegalensis |
57 | 314 | Dove | Red-eyed | Streptopelia | semitorquata |
58 | 940 | Dove | Rock | Columba | livia |
59 | 319 | Dove | Tambourine | Turtur | tympanistria |
60 | 517 | Drongo | Fork-tailed | Dicrurus | adsimilis |
61 | 143 | Eagle | African Crowned | Stephanoaetus | coronatus |
62 | 138 | Eagle | Long-crested | Lophaetus | occipitalis |
63 | 134 | Eagle | Tawny | Aquila | rapax |
64 | 368 | Eagle-owl | Spotted | Bubo | africanus |
65 | 61 | Egret | Cattle | Bubulcus | ibis |
66 | 601 | Eremomela | Burnt-necked | Eremomela | usticollis |
67 | 114 | Falcon | Lanner | Falco | biarmicus |
68 | 833 | Firefinch | African | Lagonosticta | rubricata |
69 | 835 | Firefinch | Jameson’s | Lagonosticta | rhodopareia |
70 | 837 | Firefinch | Red-billed | Lagonosticta | senegala |
71 | 707 | Fiscal | Common (Southern) | Lanius | collaris |
72 | 149 | Fish-eagle | African | Haliaeetus | vocifer |
73 | 655 | Flycatcher | African Dusky | Muscicapa | adusta |
74 | 665 | Flycatcher | Fiscal | Sigelus | silens |
75 | 661 | Flycatcher | Marico | Bradornis | mariquensis |
76 | 662 | Flycatcher | Pale | Bradornis | pallidus |
77 | 664 | Flycatcher | Southern Black | Melaenornis | pammelaina |
78 | 654 | Flycatcher | Spotted | Muscicapa | striata |
79 | 174 | Francolin | Crested | Dendroperdix | sephaena |
80 | 177 | Francolin | Shelley’s | Scleroptila | shelleyi |
81 | 339 | Go-away-bird | Grey | Corythaixoides | concolor |
82 | 89 | Goose | Egyptian | Alopochen | aegyptiacus |
83 | 618 | Grassbird | Cape | Sphenoeacus | afer |
84 | 551 | Greenbul | Sombre | Andropadus | importunus |
85 | 550 | Greenbul | Yellow-bellied | Chlorocichla | flaviventris |
86 | 547 | Greenbul | Yellow-streaked | Phyllastrephus | flavostriatus |
87 | 192 | Guineafowl | Helmeted | Numida | meleagris |
88 | 72 | Hamerkop | Hamerkop | Scopus | umbretta |
89 | 171 | Harrier-Hawk | African | Polyboroides | typus |
90 | 141 | Hawk-eagle | African | Aquila | spilogaster |
91 | 55 | Heron | Black-headed | Ardea | melanocephala |
92 | 115 | Hobby | Eurasian | Falco | subbuteo |
93 | 440 | Honeyguide | Greater | Indicator | indicator |
94 | 442 | Honeyguide | Lesser | Indicator | minor |
95 | 441 | Honeyguide | Scaly-throated | Indicator | variegatus |
96 | 418 | Hoopoe | African | Upupa | africana |
97 | 426 | Hornbill | Southern Yellow-billed | Tockus | leucomelas |
98 | 507 | House-martin | Common | Delichon | urbicum |
99 | 84 | Ibis | Hadeda | Bostrychia | hagedash |
100 | 849 | Indigobird | Dusky | Vidua | funerea |
101 | 851 | Indigobird | Village | Vidua | chalybeata |
102 | 123 | Kestrel | Rock | Falco | rupicolus |
103 | 402 | Kingfisher | Brown-hooded | Halcyon | albiventris |
104 | 130 | Kite | Black-shouldered | Elanus | caeruleus |
105 | 129 | Kite | Yellow-billed | Milvus | aegyptius |
106 | 458 | Lark | Rufous-naped | Mirafra | africana |
107 | 703 | Longclaw | Cape | Macronyx | capensis |
108 | 823 | Mannikin | Bronze | Spermestes | cucullatus |
109 | 506 | Martin | Rock | Hirundo | fuligula |
110 | 803 | Masked-weaver | Southern | Ploceus | velatus |
111 | 392 | Mousebird | Red-faced | Urocolius | indicus |
112 | 390 | Mousebird | Speckled | Colius | striatus |
113 | 734 | Myna | Common | Acridotheres | tristis |
114 | 637 | Neddicky | Neddicky | Cisticola | fulvicapilla |
115 | 373 | Nightjar | Fiery-necked | Caprimulgus | pectoralis |
116 | 372 | Nightjar | Rufous-cheeked | Caprimulgus | rufigena |
117 | 312 | Olive-pigeon | African | Columba | arquatrix |
118 | 521 | Oriole | Black-headed | Oriolus | larvatus |
119 | 359 | Owl | Barn | Tyto | alba |
120 | 748 | Oxpecker | Red-billed | Buphagus | erythrorhynchus |
121 | 387 | Palm-swift | African | Cypsiurus | parvus |
122 | 682 | Paradise-flycatcher | African | Terpsiphone | viridis |
123 | 852 | Paradise-whydah | Long-tailed | Vidua | paradisaea |
124 | 531 | Penduline-tit | Cape | Anthoscopus | minutus |
125 | 311 | Pigeon | Speckled | Columba | guinea |
126 | 692 | Pipit | African | Anthus | cinnamomeus |
127 | 699 | Pipit | Bushveld | Anthus | caffer |
128 | 10877 | Pipit | Nicholson’s | Anthus | nicholsoni |
129 | 696 | Pipit | Striped | Anthus | lineiventris |
130 | 650 | Prinia | Black-chested | Prinia | flavicans |
131 | 1049 | Prinia | Drakensberg | Prinia | hypoxantha |
132 | 649 | Prinia | Tawny-flanked | Prinia | subflava |
133 | 712 | Puffback | Black-backed | Dryoscopus | cubla |
134 | 830 | Pytilia | Green-winged | Pytilia | melba |
135 | 805 | Quelea | Red-billed | Quelea | quelea |
136 | 524 | Raven | White-necked | Corvus | albicollis |
137 | 603 | Reed-warbler | Great | Acrocephalus | arundinaceus |
138 | 589 | Robin | White-starred | Pogonocichla | stellata |
139 | 581 | Robin-chat | Cape | Cossypha | caffra |
140 | 579 | Robin-chat | Red-capped | Cossypha | natalensis |
141 | 580 | Robin-chat | White-browed | Cossypha | heuglini |
142 | 582 | Robin-chat | White-throated | Cossypha | humeralis |
143 | 412 | Roller | European | Coracias | garrulus |
144 | 511 | Saw-wing | Black (Southern race) | Psalidoprocne | holomelaena |
145 | 421 | Scimitarbill | Common | Rhinopomastus | cyanomelas |
146 | 586 | Scrub-robin | Kalahari | Cercotrichas | paena |
147 | 588 | Scrub-robin | White-browed | Cercotrichas | leucophrys |
148 | 867 | Seedeater | Streaky-headed | Crithagra | gularis |
149 | 711 | Shrike | Crimson-breasted | Laniarius | atrococcineus |
150 | 706 | Shrike | Lesser Grey | Lanius | minor |
151 | 708 | Shrike | Red-backed | Lanius | collurio |
152 | 146 | Snake-eagle | Black-chested | Circaetus | pectoralis |
153 | 786 | Sparrow | Cape | Passer | melanurus |
154 | 784 | Sparrow | House | Passer | domesticus |
155 | 4142 | Sparrow | Southern Grey-headed | Passer | diffusus |
156 | 780 | Sparrow-weaver | White-browed | Plocepasser | mahali |
157 | 159 | Sparrowhawk | Black | Accipiter | melanoleucus |
158 | 183 | Spurfowl | Natal | Pternistis | natalensis |
159 | 185 | Spurfowl | Swainson’s | Pternistis | swainsonii |
160 | 737 | Starling | Cape Glossy | Lamprotornis | nitens |
161 | 745 | Starling | Red-winged | Onychognathus | morio |
162 | 736 | Starling | Violet-backed | Cinnyricinclus | leucogaster |
163 | 576 | Stonechat | African | Saxicola | torquatus |
164 | 77 | Stork | Woolly-necked | Ciconia | episcopus |
165 | 772 | Sunbird | Amethyst | Chalcomitra | amethystina |
166 | 771 | Sunbird | Collared | Hedydipna | collaris |
167 | 758 | Sunbird | Greater Double-collared | Cinnyris | afer |
168 | 755 | Sunbird | Marico | Cinnyris | mariquensis |
169 | 760 | Sunbird | Southern Double-collared | Cinnyris | chalybeus |
170 | 763 | Sunbird | White-bellied | Cinnyris | talatala |
171 | 493 | Swallow | Barn | Hirundo | rustica |
172 | 502 | Swallow | Greater Striped | Hirundo | cucullata |
173 | 503 | Swallow | Lesser Striped | Hirundo | abyssinica |
174 | 498 | Swallow | Pearl-breasted | Hirundo | dimidiata |
175 | 495 | Swallow | White-throated | Hirundo | albigularis |
176 | 380 | Swift | African Black | Apus | barbatus |
177 | 383 | Swift | White-rumped | Apus | caffer |
178 | 715 | Tchagra | Black-crowned | Tchagra | senegalus |
179 | 714 | Tchagra | Brown-crowned | Tchagra | australis |
180 | 275 | Thick-knee | Spotted | Burhinus | capensis |
181 | 1104 | Thrush | Karoo | Turdus | smithi |
182 | 552 | Thrush | Kurrichane | Turdus | libonyanus |
183 | 437 | Tinkerbird | Yellow-fronted | Pogoniulus | chrysoconus |
184 | 527 | Tit | Southern Black | Parus | niger |
185 | 658 | Tit-babbler | Chestnut-vented | Parisoma | subcaeruleum |
186 | 393 | Trogon | Narina | Apaloderma | narina |
187 | 4133 | Turaco | Knysna | Tauraco | corythaix |
188 | 337 | Turaco | Purple-crested | Gallirex | porphyreolophus |
189 | 316 | Turtle-dove | Cape | Streptopelia | capicola |
190 | 686 | Wagtail | Cape | Motacilla | capensis |
191 | 610 | Warbler | Barratt’s | Bradypterus | barratti |
192 | 666 | Warbler | Dark-capped Yellow | Chloropeta | natalensis |
193 | 595 | Warbler | Garden | Sylvia | borin |
194 | 607 | Warbler | Marsh | Acrocephalus | palustris |
195 | 597 | Warbler | Olive-tree | Hippolais | olivetorum |
196 | 599 | Warbler | Willow | Phylloscopus | trochilus |
197 | 841 | Waxbill | Black-faced | Estrilda | erythronotos |
198 | 839 | Waxbill | Blue | Uraeginthus | angolensis |
199 | 843 | Waxbill | Common | Estrilda | astrild |
200 | 838 | Waxbill | Orange-breasted | Amandava | subflava |
201 | 825 | Waxbill | Swee | Coccopygia | melanotis |
202 | 840 | Waxbill | Violet-eared | Granatina | granatina |
203 | 799 | Weaver | Cape | Ploceus | capensis |
204 | 801 | Weaver | Golden | Ploceus | xanthops |
205 | 791 | Weaver | Spectacled | Ploceus | ocularis |
206 | 797 | Weaver | Village | Ploceus | cucullatus |
207 | 1172 | White-eye | Cape | Zosterops | virens |
208 | 846 | Whydah | Pin-tailed | Vidua | macroura |
209 | 847 | Whydah | Shaft-tailed | Vidua | regia |
210 | 813 | Widowbird | Red-collared | Euplectes | ardens |
211 | 814 | Widowbird | White-winged | Euplectes | albonotatus |
212 | 320 | Wood-dove | Blue-spotted | Turtur | afer |
213 | 321 | Wood-dove | Emerald-spotted | Turtur | chalcospilos |
214 | 419 | Wood-hoopoe | Green | Phoeniculus | purpureus |
215 | 362 | Wood-owl | African | Strix | woodfordii |
216 | 450 | Woodpecker | Cardinal | Dendropicos | fuscescens |
217 | 447 | Woodpecker | Golden-tailed | Campethera | abingoni |
218 | 452 | Woodpecker | Olive | Dendropicos | griseocephalus |
219 | 453 | Wryneck | Red-throated | Jynx | ruficollis |